H-Sphere Left Menu Guide

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Configuring Your E-mail Client

Mailboxes allow you to send, receive and store e-mail messages. Here you can learn how to:


Creating a Mailbox

To add a new mailbox, do the following:

  1. Select Mail Info in the Mail Info menu.
  2. At the bottom of the page that appears, click Add new mail resource:

  3. Choose Mailbox from the drop-down list and click Next
  4. :

  5. Agree with the charges, if any.
  6. Enter the name and password for the new mailbox and click Submit:


Note: In version 2.3 and higher, if you want your mailbox to work as forward and mail autoresponder at the same time, you can give forward, mailbox and autoresponder the same name within one mail domain. In this case, your mailbox will forward all incoming email to another address and send responses to senders.

Important: You get Postmaster mailbox for free and you can neither delete it nor change its quota. Webmaster is a regular mailbox and it counts towards your total maiboxes. This means, if you get 0 free mailboxes, you pay for the Webmaster box, but you don't pay for Postmaster.


Configuring a Mailbox

To configure a mailbox, click the Edit icon next to the name of the mailbox. You will see the list of its properties on the right:

  • Quota: change the quota for this specific mailbox. Mailbox quota is not related to the site disk space quota. To change your mail quota, enter its new size in megabytes. From that moment on you will be charged for the difference between this new amount and the default free amount. This charge will be added to the recurrent fee at the beginning of each billing period.
  • Catch All: if it's on, any email messages sent to a nonexistent account on your domain will go to this address.
    Example: your mailbox webmaster@example.com is marked as catch all. If someone sends an email to support@example.com, which doesn't exist, this particular message will arrive at webmaster@example.com. If no account were marked as catch all, this message would bounce back to the sender with an error notification.
  • Password: click the icon to change the mailbox password.
  • Autoresponder: set your mailbox to respond to the sender of incoming mail with a preset message. You need to compose a separate response message for every mailbox. Note: in version 2.3 and higher, autoresponder is an independant mail resource. (For details see Creating Autoresponder)
  • WebMail: go to the web e-mail client to send or receive e-mail messages.
  • Discard all incoming mail: turn this ON only if you are absolutely sure you don't need ALL your incoming mail. You can also turn it on when you are going on vacation. Senders won't receive 'underlivered mail' notices.
  • Delete: delete the mailbox. To delete a Catch All mailbox, first switch Catch All OFF.
  • Trouble Ticket: report troubles with the mailbox.

Related Docs:  

Configuring Your E-mail Client

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