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  User Guide for Control Panel

The following links will take you to instructions regarding the usage of the Control Panel provided by Toner Design Hosting. The HTML version is a web page version, with links just like any other web page. We generally find this version easier to use. However, if you prefer to keep your instructions on your hard drive where you can refer to them without being logged on to the Internet, the PDF version is provided for you.

Please take the time to look for your answers here first, then ask us for assistance if you can't find what you need.

H-Sphere Left Menu Guide [HTML version]   [PDF version]
(this is the default setup)

H-Sphere No Menu Guide [HTML version]   [PDF version]



P.O. BOX 766, HORSE SHOE, NORTH CAROLINA   •   TEL: 828.891.2563   •   FAX: 828.891.2169 (call before faxing)